Powell, OH

Liberty Middle School

Fundraising with Character

Our Fundraising Goals

School Goal $30,000
Amount Raised $3,640
Days Remaining 0
Participating Students 331
Active Classrooms 17

We have raised $3,640

We want to thank parents, friends and our community for all your efforts and donations. Please consider making a contribution to Liberty 6th Grade or on behalf of one of our students to help us reach our fundraising goal this year! Our students will greatly benefit from your generous support. We are working together to create a better world.

Liberty 6th Grade

Our Mission

We have ONE mission in mind: to provide our children with the most positive and safe educational experience possible. Our sole purpose is to strengthen, enhance and encourage the educational and social environment of our students by:

Working together as a team to provide a positive learning environment for our students.
Raising funds to purchase items directly for our school and classrooms that enhance the students learning experiences.
Supporting family and student social interaction by planning family friendly events.
Giving opportunities for us to come together as a community to help support other groups in need.

PromiseThon Character Event

The PromiseThon Character Event and Fundraiser helps us achieve our goals. Instead of selling product or walking laps, our students are focused on developing their leadership skills and are working hard to keep the promises they make each day.

Character Education in Action

Students learn character principles and take actionable steps to complete promises that are meaningful to them.

Our Generous Sponsors

Below are some of our top donors!
We are so grateful for your support!

Help Us Spread the Word
Total donations: $3,640
It can take several minutes for new donations to calculate and show here.

Anonymous | Sep 20

On behalf of Franco (Student)


Anonymous | Sep 15

On behalf of Collyns (Student)



On behalf of Divya (Student)


Bob Harrison | Sep 19

On behalf of Franco (Student)


Katie DeDobbelaere | Sep 27

On behalf of John (Student)


Sandra Goldammer | Sep 13

On behalf of Mitchell (Student)


Anne Carges | Sep 29

On behalf of Mason (Student)


William LeRoy | Sep 21

On behalf of Franco (Student)


Unknown Unknown | Sep 13

On behalf of Lilianna (Student)

Received by Lisa Nichols - input Lara Foster


Abbey Kromhout | Sep 03

On behalf of Gabriella (Student)


nathan vega | Sep 04

On behalf of Gavin (Student)


Patricia Franceschelli | Sep 12

On behalf of James (Student)


Anonymous | Sep 02

On behalf of Mason (Student)

Good luck on your Promisethon buddy!


Stephanie Young | Sep 02

On behalf of Coulter (Student)


Will Lewis | Sep 09

On behalf of Mason (Student)


Heather Mangold | Sep 16

On behalf of Collyns (Student)


Dorothy Perry | Sep 16

On behalf of Will (Student)

Very proud you are helping your school.! Love you, Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Barb


Jennifer Dritz | Sep 20

On behalf of Samuel (Student)


Christopher Goldammer | Sep 25

On behalf of Mitchell (Student)


Anonymous | Sep 06

On behalf of Noah (Student)


Jennifer Dritz | Sep 12

On behalf of Samuel (Student)


Vicki Davis | Sep 13

On behalf of Mitchell (Student)

I think you will be a great promise-keeper! Good luck with your goal, and we are so proud of you! Love - Nana and Papa


Kim Roethlisberger | Sep 13

On behalf of Joely (Student)


Aimee and Matt Merino | Sep 12

On behalf of Annaliese (Student)

We are so proud of your positive attitude and hard work!


Kim Allenbach | Sep 28

On behalf of Gracyn (Student)


Tara Counts | Sep 26

On behalf of Joely (Student)


Sarah Rahall-Lunsford | Sep 20

On behalf of Logan (Student)


Anonymous | Sep 05

On behalf of Peyton (Student)

Proud of you for committing to Promise Principles and continuing to become a smart, confident, thoughtful and kind young man! Love, Mom and Dad


Sara Roberts | Sep 05

On behalf of Max (Student)


Thomas Buschur | Sep 05

On behalf of Noah (Student)

Share our Fundraising Mission

Click to share our fundraising goal with pre-populated messages.

Share our Message on Social Media
Send our Message with Messaging or Email

Sample Message:

My daughter is participating in her school's PromiseThon Fundraiser to earn much-needed funds for our school. Instead of selling stuff from a catalog, we are having a 2-week leadership and character event where students learn how important it is to keep their promises. Her goal is to keep 21 promises and raise $250. The funds raised will .... So I am asking my family and friends if they can donate as little as $1 per promise towards her goal. It is really easy and safe to donate online. Just click the link, and it will take you to her fundraising page.

Our Classrooms

Our teachers & students are working hard to keep their promises and support our school.

Classroom List

Teacher Grade Number of Students Donate to Classroom
Maddox 6th Grade 24 Donate
Stolpe 6th Grade 25 Donate
Nichols 6th Grade 24 Donate
Cherubino 6th Grade 22 Donate
Murray 6th Grade 22 Donate
Fragale 6th Grade 21 Donate
Asbury 6th Grade 27 Donate
Fitzgerald 6th Grade 20 Donate
Conner 6th Grade 21 Donate
Gilliam 6th Grade 22 Donate
Cikach 6th Grade 25 Donate
Grilliot 6th Grade 1 Donate
Mcloughlin 6th Grade 2 Donate
Potts 6th Grade 26 Donate
Irvin 6th Grade 21 Donate
Longley 6th Grade 26 Donate
Buckerfield 6th Grade 2 Donate

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